Steam showers are often seen as only for spas or gyms. But today, many people are installing them in their homes. A home sauna is a great way to relax and unwind after work. Steam showers can use up a small fraction of the water of a traditional shower, and have many health benefits.


    Steam has amazing benefits to your body. Steam can clear your sinuses. Steam can moisturize your skin, whereas hot showers can actually dry out your skin. Steam showers use up very little water. While a 20 minute traditional shower can use up about 50 gallons of water, a steam shower may only use 2 within the same time period.

How Do They Work?

    Steam showers use a generator that heats up the water separate from your water heater. The generator heats the water to a boiling point, and allows you to control the temperature of the steam as it comes out. Many steam showers also allow you to mix in essential oils or refreshing scents like eucalyptus or mint. 

Installing Steam Showers

Steam showers should be installed by professionals. They are supposed to be moisture-sealed. The power required of the steam generator depends on the volume of the steam shower, and the type of tile used. Stone tile rooms require more energy than ceramic tile. Steam showers often replace ordinary shower stalls, but can also be installed in addition to them. Some homeowners will build a traditional shower system into their steam shower. For larger bathrooms, steam showers can be their own section of the room.

To discuss bathroom or kitchen remodeling options that would be best for your home please contact us at (718)-273-6233 or visit our showroom at 711 Port Richmond Ave., Staten Island, NY 10302.