Find the Right Cabinets for your Kitchen

If you’re thinking of renovating your kitchen, new kitchen cabinets can change the look and feel of your kitchen while adding convenience. Today’s cabinet manufacturers are offering gorgeous looks and fun options to take the drudgery out of everyday...

Choosing a New Shower-Head

When remodeling a bathroom, many people think of tile, tubs and sinks but most overlook the shower head. The right shower head can create a spa-like experience for you. From single function shower heads to multifunction which gives you a variation for sprays and...

Choosing a New Kitchen Sink

Many people are renovating their kitchens this spring. An important, but sometimes overlooked, item is the kitchen sink. Picking the right sink for your kitchen can be difficult if you don’t know what you want. The choice of a new sink can be boiled down to...

Choosing the Right Toilet

One of the most important decisions when remodeling a bathroom is choosing the right porcelain throne for your new kingdom. The first choice is the width of the bowl you want. Standard size is 12 inches, so most models are available like this. If you have a large or...

Redoing a Small Bathroom

Small bathrooms are commonplace among the 5 boroughs  of NY. Over the past 30 years, bathrooms in newer homes have nearly doubled in size. However, color, style, and scaling down can alter the look and feel of how much space you actually have.  Dark colors...


    Countertops come in a wide variety of materials, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Materials that countertops are made of include quartz, marble, granite, limestone, soapstone, formica, wood, laminate, recycled glass, metal, concrete, tile, and...