toilet-1359745827HS0Is it time for a new toilet in your home? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Dream Kitchen and Bath has come out with some great tips when searching and picking out the best toilet for your house. Remember, when selecting a toilet you must consider the size, height and how well it functions.

The Best Fit: Today there are thousands of toilets in the market. The standard rough-in is 12 inches, and is the biggest selection in this size. When a bathroom remodel uses an existing rough-in such as 10 or 14 inches, the choices can be narrow. Many people discover that the elongated toilet bowls to be more comfortable, but if you have a small bathroom, a round bowl can save you some space. Elongated toilet bowls measure up to 31” from the bathroom wall, while round fixtures go up to 28”. Since round bowls are less expensive than elongated bowls, they can save you some money. Comfort is also another major concern for everyone. Today, many manufactures are offering toilets that measure a few inches taller than the standard 14. Taller toilets are also an important part of universal design, which creates a bathroom more accessible to everyone regardless of mobility, since they make sitting down and standing up easier.

What Style to Choose:  There are numerous toilet types available today. A two-piece toilet where the tank bolts on top of the bowl, is more affordable. A one-piece with a basic tank and bowl, can cost more, but the units are much easier to clean since they don’t contain a seam. Many people are also considering wall-mounted toilets which add drama to a bathroom and are easier to clean. Nevertheless, wall mounted toilets can be pricey to install because it involves a thicker wall to support the toilet and house the tank, and future maintenance could entail reopening the wall.

Bidets: Bidets are fixtures that look parallel to a toilet but are really used for personal hygiene in most European bathrooms. Most people choose to include a bidet because the fixture is fashionable and can be helpful for anyone who has mobility problems to get into the bathtub or standing in the shower.

Flushing Technology: After finding the perfect size, shape and style, finding a toilet that flushes efficiently is important. Today manufacturers are offering low-flow toilets that work great, using a gravity or power-assisted flush. To find the perfect toilet with the best functions and technology, you should visit a showroom and talk to a professional salesperson. Remember, each toilet functions better than others so it’s always important to research what product and features you want. For anyone who is interested in conserving more water and lowering their water bills, several manufactures are offering toilets with dual-flush technology. This product features a split plunger-style flush device on top of the tank. By pushing one button, it releases .08 gallons of water and pushing both releases 1.6 gallons. Switching to a dual flusher can save a family of four thousands of dollars which can help pay for your bathroom.

For more information about toilets or any other information contact us at Dream Kitchen and Bath at 718-273-6233 or