The counter tops in your bathroom can look good and serve its purpose. Delicate and porous surfaces can break and stain easily, so you’ll need a durable surface that can survive your morning rush routine. Also the tops of your counters can serve as the focal point of your bathroom, as well as a connecting point between cabinetry and tile. The counter surface that you choose depends on your taste and budget. Here are some options to choose from for your bathroom counter tops:

Granite – A granite counter surface gives your bathroom a sleek look, and if you’re renovating to sell, it definitely attracts buyers. Today there are affordable grades of granite available so that you don’t have to spend a fortune on your counter tops. This surface can handle heat, wear, stains, and looks great.

Solid Surface – Quartzite materials are very low maintenance. These counter surfaces are extremely durable–they can endure heat, stains, and scratches can easily be buffed out with fine-grade sandpaper. The cost of quartzite materials are comparable to granite and marble.

Laminate – Laminate counter tops are available in a wide range of finishes, including some that look like granite or solid surface. This economical choice is a popular pick for counter surfaces because it stands up to water and is relatively stain-proof.

Metal – Metal counter tops, while expensive, are very strong. Metals used in countertops include stainless steel, pewter, copper, and zinc. These surfaces are heat and stain resistant as well as anti-bacterial. These counters may be susceptible to dents and slight scratches. The other metals are also weaker than stainless steel.

Recycled Glass – These counter tops are eco-friendly, as well as beautiful. It can come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. This countertop material may be hard to find, but it is durable and easy to clean. It is heat and stain resistant. Chips and scratches are a downside of these surfaces.

Tile – Tile counter tops come in a wide variety of colors and finishes that can be laid out in many different patterns. Custom artistic detail can always be added. Although this type of counter top comes with a lot of maintenance, it’s a popular pick for counter surfaces and a durable choice.

Wood – Wooden counter tops are porous, however they can be sealed to prevent water damage. This choice will add a warm, inviting look to your bathroom.

To discuss bathroom or kitchen remodeling options that would be best for your home, please contact us at (718) 273-6233 or visit our showroom at 711 Port Richmond Ave, Staten Island, NY 10302.